Our news
Alexa+ can read, summarize and recall lengthy documents
At Amazon’s annual Devices & Services event on Wednesday, the company introduced Alexa+, an enhanced version of its voice assistant, now powered by generative AI. During the demonstration, Amazon showcased how users can share documents with Alexa+, allowing it to recall important details and answer questions about those documents. Mara Segal, director of Alexa, provided…
Alexa+ can do your grocery shopping, too
Amazon is not giving up on making its Alexa a virtual shopping assistant, On Wednesday, the company announced that Alexa+, its revamped Alexa experience, will be able to help consumers grocery shop from home using more natural conversations and requests. The feature will work with Amazon Fresh or any other grocery partner working with Amazon,…
Alexa+ costs $19.99 or free for Prime members
Amazon’s new and improved Alexa experience, Alexa+, starts at $19.99, or free for Prime members. Amazon says that it will roll out in early access beginning next month, and then will come to a wider group of users in waves over the subsequent months. As part of the launch of Alexa+, Amazon is launching Alexa.com,…