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DoorDash to pay delivery workers nearly $17M for using tips to cover wages
DoorDash has agreed to pay $16.75 million to settle a lawsuit by New York’s attorney general that accused the delivery platform of pocketing workers’ tips to cover wages. The lawsuit alleged that between May 2017 and September 2019, DoorDash used customer tips to offset the base pay it had already guaranteed to workers, instead of…
Mitico raises $4.3M seed round to capture CO2 using ‘prehistoric chemistry’
Mitico thinks that it has found a way to slash the cost of carbon capture using a simple salt that’s been tweaked for industrial duty. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.
Redalpine, Founders Fund back Magdrive’s electric thruster business
Orbital mobility took center-stage in the space industry last year, with venture capitalists funneling massive sums into startups developing tech for nimble satellite operations. So it’s no surprise that one of the most recent deals is to Magdrive, a UK-based startup that says its electric propulsion system for satellites will deliver a higher thrust in…